“To you, Embodied One” : a poem

To you, Embodied One

To you, Embodied One, I bow

but with my eyes open

so I can look more closely

at your face of soil and stone,

your eyes a pool of water

reflecting the brightness of the sky.

Is it not praise

to walk gently with bare feet

upon the warm earth?

Is it not worship to pause

and honor the birdsong

with the devotion of my silence?

Is it not adoration to stretch out

my hands to the crackling fire

and be still 

in my own body again?

Is it not praise to gently touch

the tips of my fingers together

and feel your presence in the pulse of

my own heart beat?

I taste you in this sip of tea:

bergamot and honey,

hot and smooth on my tongue,

the essence of a sacrament.

I need not do anything

but be here, now, with this breath

that is your own Spirit, whispering:




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One thought on ““To you, Embodied One” : a poem

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  1. Ahh 🥰 Love this Stuart. Thank you ☮️



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